Curriculum vitae
+38 (098) 68-68-189
[email protected]
Experience in network and system administration:
- Design and installation of structured cabling, telephone networks. Configuration of switches, routers, telephone switches;
- Selection and purchase of network and server equipment: self-assembled and brand (HP, Dell);
- Deployment and support of operation systems Windows Server 2k, 2k3, 2k8; Debian, Edubuntu;
- Virtualization of IT-infrastructure;
- Ensuring the protection of IT-infrastructure against unsanctioned physical access;
- Deployment of “thin clients” technologies;
- Deployment of open source software (Linux) at manufacturing plants in a short time (2 days);
- Organization of the most effective, comprehensive automatic virus protection by using “sandboxes”, rollback states, online services, manual analysis of the compromise, honeypots, centralized management of antivirus software, “portable” versions of antivirus software;
- Research and audit of network security. Investigation of software for malicious activity. Reducing the possibility of the plane attacks on IT-infrastructure. The use of heuristic analysis of network traffic. Using various techniques and algorithms to encrypt stored and transmitted data
- Setting up terminal servers running Windows 2k, XP, 2k3, 2k8, Debian, Ubuntu, Edubuntu. The use of technologies Citrix, RemoteApp, LTSP;
- Organization of remote access to computers located behind a NAT or firewall without port forwarding capabilities (organization of the repeater-servers in-the-middle), and as a result getting a possibility of interaction with the filial branches without the presence of their system administrators. Port forwarding with tunneling in a situation where access to network equipment or servers is limited;
- Using a wide range of administration tools as well as developing my own utilities if necessary;
- If possible, the maximum automation of the administration workflow: backup, data exchange, updates, maintenance of workstations;
- Administration of MSSQL (2k, 2k5, 2k8), Postgres to ensure efficiency 1C, 1C 8.x, servers, the use of external data processors to administer 1C + SQL couple;
- Basic skills in deploying AD and applying group policies;
- Setting up DNS, DHCP, WINS, NAT, VPN, WSUS. Installation and configuring of Web- (IIS, Denwer, Apache), FTP- (tftpd, TitanFTP), mail-servers (MDaemon);
- Installation, maintenance, restoration of hardware and software RAID-arrays, SAS/SCSI controllers;
- Accounting and compliance with licensing agreements about products used in the IT-infrastructure, inventory of equipment;
- Restoration of Windows (XP, Vista/Seven, 2003) after a complete failure;
- Diagnostics of physical fault of computers, office equipment, replacement of their components;
- Reporting on the use of resources (internet, print, telephony);
- Coordination and training of subordinate administrators, interaction with administrators in the filial branches;
- Consulting and training for users;
- Rapid response outside the office by means of managing servers using smartphones (VNC, mstsc, SSH);
- Superficial knowledge of FreeBSD. If necessary, I can improve my knowledge of it.
Experience in development for 1C Enterprise:
- Development of managerial accounting solutions from scratch or solutions based on typical configurations in the 1C Enterprise 8.x (inventory control, account of batches, multicurrency accounting, cash flow, income/expenses accounts, mutual settlements);
- Deploying of 1C 8.x, the transition (transfer of balance, completion, user training) from 1C 7.7 to 8.x;
- Further development of typical configurations of ABBYY Ukraine, mainly:
- (7.7) Accounting for Ukraine;
- (8.x) Trade Enterprise Management, Accounting for Ukraine.
- Further development of standard reports of Trade Enterprise Management, Manufacturing Enterprise management;
- Connecting, flashing, programming and integration of external devices with 1C 7.7, 8.x: electronic control cash registers, barcode-scanners, weighing equipment, label printers, PocketPCs, mobile terminals;
- Development of external components, external print processors, external data processors, simple reports, reports with using data composition schemas;
- Updating the releases of standard and modified configurations, in passing error correction of standard releases;
- Data transfer among different systems and 1C: Terrasoft CRM, Access, Word, Excel, AB Office, Client-Bank systems, ARM/Best Zvit, MAG5Client via a variety of formats: HTTP, ADODB, XDTO, OLE, CSV, DBF, XML, TXT, iBank2, PDF. Data transfer with web-sites;
- The exchange among the local/remote 1C databases (7.7/8.x) of identical/different configurations (OLE, MoDDB/MD/MoDIDB, 1C:Data conversion);
- Implementation of backup data with the pre- and post-processing database by using scripting languages, or a third-party software;
- Development by using 1C++ component (OOP implementation in 1C);
- Dynamic formation of primary documents: substitution of logo, ink stamp stored directly in database, using Word document templates;
- Combining of standard releases. Consolidation of databases. Convoluting of databases;
- Restoring of databases (metadata, partial recovery into the new database, etc.);
- Have publications on
Other experience:
- There is some programming experience in the languages Delphi, C/C++, Visual Basic, MS Access. Active use of scripting languages VBScript, bash/sh. Development skills in the HTML (see my personal site), CSS2 (fluid width), PHP;
- Development (VisualCE, SprintDB) and deployment of software for PDAs designed for sales agents. Integration with 1C Enterprise (exchange via the Internet or via file sharing);
- Writing technical documentation for products and solutions, feasibility analyses, manuals, instructions for setting up. Creating video presentations on the possibilities of products;
- Installation and configuration of the GSM-, video-controllers, alarm components for security systems, physical data destruction solutions;
- Modification of Linux software to meet specific needs;
- Preparation of typographic layouts;
- Selection and interviewing IT-staff (system administrators, developers, 1С-programmers);
- High ability to lead a project from start to finish: planning, project presentation to senior management in graphs and feasibility studies, preparation of preliminary estimate and tender documents for purchase, preparation of final estimates, effective allocation of responsibilities and resources while project implementation, testing, deploying, writing of documentation and user training, correcting system malfunctions, making progress reports.
Additional information:
- Positive attitude to business trips, valid foreign passport available;
- The first site I designed:
- took first place in nominations «The best site I made myself», «Best Personal Site» according to the jury of the competition of Internet resources by (link1, link2);
- took 7th place in the «Best Youth Internet Project» according to the international competition of Internet projects «Golden Web 2010» (;
- Speed of touch typing is ~380 CPM (,;
- Strong sense of user friendly interfaces;
- In addition to the attached written recommendations I can provide a lot of oral reports.
- Cycling, roller skating, skiing, go-kart;
- Security audit of Internet resources, operating systems, software.
Why do I think I am the right person for this position?
I am a young professional, comparing favorably with the other peers and worthy of note for the considerable experience gained in practice for the past six years. The main motivation (apart from financial) is the self-fulfillment while doing intractable and/or specific tasks. I possess an inexhaustible source of ambition confirmed in word and deed. I have strong determination to realize my aims. I focus my attention on achieving success, so I use the opportunities of setting priorities. The results of my professional activities I see in the growth of the company’s profits and its prestige due to the stable computing resources, automation and work simplification for the users, as well as providing the company’s management with the information on the state of business processes.
printed versions can be provided on demand- Linux System Administration
- 1C:Enterprise 8 programming
- 1C:Accounting 7.7 programming
- Internet Fundamentals
- ESET NOD32 Antivirus
Work experience
06.2010 – 09.2013 (3 years 3 months)
Air conditioning manufacturing enterprise “Dekker Ukraine”. Position: system administrator, 1C Enterprise developer
- Administration of the existing fleet of servers and workstations;
- Selection and purchase of office equipment and hardware, repairs, modernization of structured cabling, telephone networks;
- Updating 1C 7.7 configurations, revision of configurations, consulting, setting up of data exchange;
- Further development and support of the company's web-site;
- Optimized the workflow in warehouse, carried out integration with the head office and modernization of trade equipment;
- Implementation of centralized anti-virus protection, comprehensive antiviral checks;
- Automation of existing business processes;
- Individually designed and implemented a new model of IT-infrastructure using technologies of virtualization, thin clients. As a result safety of the system as a whole increased (fault tolerance, higher antiviral protection, prevention of inside/outside leaks, physical compromise), the speed of infrastructure also increased, achieved easy and cost-effective scalability, more efficient use of computing resources, high availability of applications in the case of system compromise or hardware failure. Full transition to the new model was completed in 2 days;
- Changing the work of the accounting department so as to use accounting system 1C:Accounting for Ukraine 8.2 from 1C:Accounting for Ukraine 7.7 and integration with other accounting systems (such as writing the data processors for transfer balances, user training). Further development of a new accounting system for the needs of the firm.
12.2009 – 06.2010 (6 months)
Agricultural enterprise “Technika”. Position: system administrator, 1C Enterprise developer
- Remote administration of the existing fleet of servers and workstations;
- Updating and revision of typical 1C:Enterprise configurations;
- Development 1C:Enterprise solutions.
- Developed from point zero the solution of managerial accounting;
- Transition of company’s IT-infrastructure to use open source software with the integration of commercial products. Full transition to the new model was completed in 2 days;
- Changing the work of the accounting department so as to use accounting system 1C:Accounting for Ukraine 8.2 from 1C:Accounting for Ukraine 7.7 (such as writing the data processors for transfer balances, user training);
- Automation 8.x database backup, ordering of the document sequence and sending encrypted archive via e-mail (Google Apps) and/or copying via LAN.
10.2007 – 12.2009 (2 year 2 months)
Outsourcing company “Ianta Plus”. Position: system integrator, developer
- Travels on customers' requests within the city of Kiev and Kiev region, solving the problems with network equipment, clients' PCs, server equipment, LAN, «at the place» and in a short time. Design and installation of structured cabling, telephone networks. Purchasing, installing and configuring servers. Remote administration. Consulting system administrators in the filial branches. Security audit on demand. Data, OS recovery;
- Software implementation of the tasks in programming languages 1C:Enterprise 7.7, 8.0, 8.1; Delphi; C++; VBS/VBA; Batch; SprintDB, MS Access. Integration various trade equipment with the workflow systems. The implementation of data exchange between various information systems;
- Installing, configuring, various software support and much more.
- Developed solution for internal managerial accounting based on 1C:Trade Enterprise Management for Ukraine;
- Deploying or participation in deploying of accounting systems 1C:Accounting for Ukraine 8.x, 1C:Trade Enterprise Management for Ukraine 8.x;
- Developed software for PDAs to be used in the work of sales agents. Integration with 1C (exchange via the Internet or via file sharing). Writing documentation, creating a video presentation of the characteristics and aspects of the product use;
- Organization of terminal servers happened so often that it was written a script that performed this operation automatically/remotely.